Torchbearers for Christ
Tuesday, March 11, 2025
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A Month of New Things


Friend, praise the name of The Almighty God! I know that you are blessed and well-kept of the LORD. My wife and I continue to see and experience His faithfulness and His love that truly endures forever.

This month, get ready for God to do a NEW THING.
The Bible states in Isaiah 43:18-19.
Remember ye not the former things,  neither consider the things of old. Behold, I will do a new thing; Now it shall spring forth; Shall ye not know it? I will even make a way in the wilderness, and rivers in the desert.”
What a glorious promise! My friend, God’s word is so clear and we are given several directives so let us listen and receive what the word is speaking to us.
 Remember not!
First, remember not the former things! Where God wants to lift you, excess baggage is not allowed. Yes, people may have hurt you, past incidents may still be painful and the scars may still be fresh! Perhaps legally speaking, you may be the aggrieved (hurt) party but the word declares, forget the former so that you will be properly positioned to embrace what God is ready to do for you. Paul tells us in Philippians 3:13 that his approach was to forget those things that are behind him. My brother, my sister, anything that would keep you glued to the past, I cut it off in Jesus Mighty Name, Amen. Every heart ache and memory that keeps you focused and tied to your past with bitterness, I root it out in Jesus Mighty Name, Amen!
Friend, do not even consider them. In the marathon or even the short races, a momentary look behind may cost the athlete the race! Do not consider the things of old! Anything God does not want you to consider may you not consider in Jesus Mighty Name, Amen.
A New Thing
God does however ask you to focus on the new. He is doing a New Thing. Friend, God is not going to recycle or resurrect an old thing. He is going to do a New Thing! New means not old. Not seen before. Not available before. Not elsewhere. Just created. Friend, the truth is, what God is going to do for you, “No eye has seen, no ear has heard; neither has it entered into any heart the things that God has in store for you”. Get ready, Get ready, Get ready!
I see God revealing to you new strategies, new ways of doing things; I see God granting you new visions; expect new dreams of uncommon mysteries. God will release new solutions to issues that have troubled you. New divine connections will spring forth. New doors will be open. New relationships will be established. New fellowships; new ministries; new churches; new businesses; new streams of income; new territories for you to conquer.
I do… The Mighty God
Friend, God says “Behold, I do…”. It is God who will do it, not any man, not any individual; and when God does it, no one can stop it. When God opens a door, no devil can close it. His name is Powerful; His name is Mighty One; His name is Fire! Nobody can halt what God puts in motion. It is important to realize that these names of God are Power Names because all power belongs to Him. Get ready for what He has in store for you, in Jesus Mighty Name, Amen.
It is also important to note that His name is Author and Finisher of our Faith. He is the First and the Last and what He starts, He has the power to finish in Jesus Mighty Name, Amen. The new thing He is starting in your life – He will give you the strength to finish in Jesus Mighty Name, Amen.
Spring forth
The Bible also declares that the new thing will “spring forth”. It will bloom. It will flower. It will come forth rapidly. It will bring life with it. It will come forth with force. Get ready my friend – The new thing will come faster than planned. Others may have gone ahead of you but my friend – this race is not for the swiftest – This battle is not for the strongest – Your time is now. Your testimony is springing forth and since it’s the giver of life commanding it forth, - Be expectant in Jesus Mighty Name, Amen!
I praythat God will make you aware of your miracle and your visitation so that you do not miss out on your blessing in Jesus Mighty Name, Amen!
I will make a way in the wilderness and rivers in the desert”. Friend, you will begin to get victory where under normal circumstances, victory is impossible. Nobody will be able to explain it because it will be beyond human reasoning. You will begin to get solutions to hard situations. A way will be made for you where there seems no way. Indeed, God will begin to reveal Himself to you as The Way Maker, The Solution Giver, The Way; The Wisdom; Understanding – The Only Wise God. And in all this, you will be refreshed and prosperous because He has promised to make a river in the desert. Hallelujah!!
This month, expect and receive the new thing that God is doing for you.
God bless you.
Pastor Chester